Une série de vidéos très intéressantes pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais :
Sound Quality in Cars - Part 1- Introduction
Sound Quality in Cars - Part 2 - What's the aim?
Sound Quality in Cars - Part 3 - What source options can you have?
Sound Quality in Cars Part 4 - Hires audio in caraudio
SQ in Cars - Part 5 - Active or passive? Do you need a DSP?
SQ in Cars - PART 6 - What amplifier to get?
SQ in Cars - PART 7.1 - What speakers for stock locations?
SQ in Cars - PART 7.2 - OEM+ / custom speaker locations
SQ in Cars - PART 7.3 - EXTREME Installation
SQ in Cars - PART 8 - Installation - Tech talk with Gavin @ Subtronix Caraudio - JL Audio Demo Car
SQ in Cars - PART 9. - TUNING, RTA, Rearfill, REW
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Guillaume (McJeanGui), Thomas (Scherenne), Guillaume, Thierry, Nicolas, Jérémy (dje), Richard (Richard), Michel (airdevin), Benjamin (kdb26), Olivier.
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Sound Quality in cars - videos (anglais)
Re: Sound Quality in cars - videos (anglais)
Bookmarké pour plus tard ainsi que ton tuto REW. Merci 

Macrom 57.00 + 59.15 + JL 6w3v3 <= PDX V9 <= DEH 80PRS <= mp3 96 kb/s
Hertz MP28.3 + Monacor SPH100C + Focal ISUB TWIN + Peerless XLS 10 <= PDX V9 + Helix M Four DSP <= DEH 80PRS <= grosse trap metal mal mixée
Hertz MP28.3 + Monacor SPH100C + Focal ISUB TWIN + Peerless XLS 10 <= PDX V9 + Helix M Four DSP <= DEH 80PRS <= grosse trap metal mal mixée
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